Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fony Fitness Finds Part #1

Fony Fitness Finds...I've been thinking about writing reviews on different fitness equipment for a long, long time. So now, Here I am. Giving you my opinion on various pieces of exercise devices. Please comment and let me know if you've been wondering about any piece of equipment lately. I'd be happy to give you my honest opinion...if it's worth the purchase or not! Especially you late night folks-There are always good infomercials on to really get you thinking about losing weight and feeling great! Don't you think they should sell sleeping devices on those late night infomercials...

Anyway, here we go.

To Bowflex or not to Bowflex... That is the question.

From time to time I get asked about the well marketed Bowflex, "What do you think of it?" Which I answer with my own question "Why would you buy this machine over any other?"

Most of us are mislead by well done marketing and hype. What happens is we see the perfect "body" using the machine. They keep zooming in on it. Then they (the commercial) make it look so easy to use. "This is perfect for me," subconsciously you think. I can do it at home with nobody staring at me, it's easy and I'll get a perfect or near perfect body. This is precisely the emotions they're trying to get you to feel. So then the real question should be "If I buy this machine will it make me look like the guy or girl using it on TV?" The answer to that question is most likely NO.

Do I think the Bowflex is a decent machine to get some resistance training while at home? YES. I personally would prefer several different far less expensive devices that would give me a better workout. But that's because I know how to use them and would do so. Even my devices, in a program by themselves, wouldn't work to produce the bodies seen on TV. That would require a complete program of optimized nutrition, cardiovascular training, resistance training, superior genetics and possibly some vitamin "S" (aka steroids). Remember these 2 words when watching infomercials for weight loss or fitness gadgets, FITNESS MODELS. These people's entire life is devoted to their body. 99% of the time these people have never touched the device being sold until hired for the commercial.

Build Quality. My impression is that it could be somewhat cumbersome to change exercises and the resistance didn't feel natural. It seemed to be fairly well built though.

Price comparison. Here is where I have the biggest problem. The bowflex, to me, is severely overpriced for what it's offering. See value comparison chart below.

Value Comparison

Feature -------------------Bowflex----------- Small Group PT ---------------Bootcamp
Variety of Exercise--------- Limited ------------Unlimited --------------------------Unlimited

Accountability-------------- NADA------------- Unlimited --------------------------Unlimited

Motivation -----------------Nope ---------------Unlimited --------------------------Unlimited

Excuses --------------------I'll start Monday ---I'll Listen, you Workout ------------No excuses

Nutrition Advice -----------Booklet------------- Customized----------------------- Customized

Clothes Hanging Ability ----YES!!--------------- No ---------------------------------No

Assembly Skills----------- REQUIRED ----------No ---------------------------------No

Price ---------------------$830-$3400 -------$240/Mo----------------------- $99/Mo Special

Money Back Guarantee ---No Way!------------ Yes!------------------------------- Yes!

Overall I would only recommend it if you had realistic expectations of what you could accomplish and you know you would use it regularly. Also if you don't mind spending a lot of money with no guarantee of success.

Snack of the Day
For all you cheesy people out there! How about a wedge of Light Laughing Cow cheese with an apple. Cut the apple in half and spread on that creamy deliciousness! Its a snack you won't want to miss.

Motivational Quote of the Day
The best way out is always through. -Robert Frost

REMEMBER: Comment, e-mail or message me with your Fony Fitness Find Requests.

Have a great day. God Bless You!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice article. I can't say there are many products that you can't replace in your comparison chart with Bowflex. Except for smaller ones, which you would just need to replace the Clothes Hanging Ability comparison with Dust Collecting Ability. Maybe the one area other products would totally beat Small Group PT and Bootcamp is the Ridiculousness factor.

    Shake Weight
    I mean, Seriously!? Is it even legal to show these infomercials on pg-rated television channels? or

    Magic Circle
    I have seen these at so many garage sales, it's not even funny. As with most As Seen On TV products, apparently the actors in the infomercial are much better than the actual product.

    Hollywood Celebrity Diet
    This sort of reminds me of stone soup. Is it the juice or the fact that you aren't eating for two straight days that is causing you to lose weight? Surely this is healthy, right?

    Many other ridiculous fitness products can be found at
